Volunteers can make a real impactful contribution in Africa by participating in educational programs. Many African students lack basic skills but are eager to gain new ones.

South Africa provides many volunteering opportunities. From safari trips and cultural studies, to animal care projects and building homes – there’s sure to be something perfect for you.


Kenya is an expansive and dynamic nation that serves as a perfect snapshot of Africa; home to its iconic Big Five animals, idyllic tropical beaches and coasts, and distinctive culture. However, as with many developing nations it still needs improvement – poor infrastructure in rural areas to a strained school system being among its major concerns.

If you are seeking an international volunteer project to make an impactful difference, South Africa offers plenty of volunteer projects ranging from wildlife conservation and teaching/caregiving options to wildlife rescue projects and many others.

Kenya is renowned as an ecotourism hub and offers some of the finest game reserves in Africa, yet habitat degradation and poaching have drastically reduced wildlife populations across Africa. Volunteers can help restore wildlife populations by conducting night patrols, monitoring injured animals, and maintaining fences that are in good condition.

Volunteering in Kenya offers many advantages for its people and culture. African communities tend to welcome international volunteers with open arms and there are ample opportunities to experience local culture. A visit to Limuru, known for its tea plantations and cuisine such as Nyama Choma with Ugali corn-flour porridge are great places to begin learning about Kenyan life and cuisine.

Although Africa is plagued with poverty, corruption, and political unrest, volunteerism remains alive and thriving across its vast continent. Qualified professionals and skilled volunteers in many fields such as health care and education are greatly needed; volunteer programs in Africa have become popular among academics who want to break away from studying and do something worthwhile with their free time.

Noteworthy is also that living costs in Africa vary considerably, with some countries boasting very expensive prices while others can be more manageable. Therefore, it’s vitally important that when planning an overseas adventure it carefully consider your budget; check out all available programs, compare costs and dates as well as read reviews in order to identify what opportunity is the most suited for you.


Tanzania, known for its stunning mountainous landscapes, lush savannah plains and vibrant wildlife is one of the most striking African countries. However, with many issues facing it’s growth and development requiring support, international volunteers are needed to assist its growth and development through volunteering opportunities such as animal welfare projects, medical internships or women empowerment programs. Volunteers interested in Tanzania have an array of projects they can choose from for volunteering – animal welfare work; medical internships or even women empowerment projects may all be possibilities!

Poor health is a primary concern in rural Tanzanian areas. Malaria, typhoid fever and hepatitis A are among the many illnesses plaguing their citizens; many also live with HIV infection; thus making the AIDS epidemic a serious threat. Volunteers possessing medical skills can assist these populations by providing care and education services in order to enhance their overall wellbeing.

Education is another area in Tanzania where volunteers are needed. Rural schools frequently lack the resources and infrastructure to provide adequate learning environments, which necessitates volunteers helping with teaching, mentoring, program administration or any other administrative duties that arise at school.

Volunteers can utilize their expertise to assist local businesses and nonprofit organizations improve their effectiveness by increasing manufacturing efficiency, increasing agricultural production or helping with accessing capital. The goal of such volunteering is empowering African people so that they may become self-sufficient.

Volunteerism abroad can take many forms, but to truly make an impactful contribution it’s vital that you choose an activity or cause that speaks to you personally – otherwise you risk performing the work halfheartedly without getting anything out of it!

Select an organization that provides training and support to its volunteers; this will enable you to feel comfortable with your role as a volunteer while having the greatest possible impact in the local community. Afterward, check in regularly with your project coordinator in order to stay abreast of progress, as well as having an opportunity to ask any queries related to volunteering placement.


Uganda may bring to mind Lake Victoria and mountain gorillas living high up in lush jungles – two attractions which may come immediately to mind when thinking of Uganda – but Uganda offers much more and can give you the chance to experience all that while making a difference in someone’s life. Volunteering in Uganda provides the chance to experience local culture more intimately than many tourists can. You will become fully integrated and treated as part of the community – past volunteers have even been invited to weddings and family celebrations! Ugandan people span 11 ethnic groups and 40 languages – yet remain among Africa’s happiest and friendliest people.

Uganda is predominantly rural in nature and subsistence agriculture is its main economic activity, leading to many living in poverty and lacking access to basic services like health care and education. Poverty can lead to an increase in diseases like HIV which has made Uganda one of the few African nations with a positive HIV rate.

Volunteering in Uganda offers you an incredible opportunity to work with children who have both mental and physical disabilities. Some communities harbor negative attitudes toward disabled children; thus making this project essential in raising awareness of their needs and helping them lead normal lives.

Teaching in Uganda is an ideal volunteer opportunity for educators looking to expand their horizons abroad while contributing to school development in a meaningful way. You will work closely with children who face various disabilities ranging from learning difficulties, physical challenges and mental impairment. Working alongside these special needs students allows you to gain an in-depth knowledge of what challenges these kids are experiencing as learners – which provides you with invaluable insights into the difficulties facing these pupils in learning their respective subject matters.

Working as a sports teacher in Uganda is an incredible way to make an impactful difference in children’s lives. Many do not have access to facilities at home, and Sport Education aims to give these children the education and life skills needed for success in life.


Although Africa can be challenging, it also presents ample volunteer opportunities. From internships in Kigali or childcare services in rural Rwanda, your efforts can truly make an impactful difference – but it’s essential to be clear on which project best matches up with you as not all volunteers may be capable of meeting every cause or task equally well.

Are you passionate about working with children? Volunteer in Rwanda to help them develop vital life skills such as literacy and numeracy that will aid their success in life, including literacy and numeracy. Volunteers with teaching or educational experience are especially welcome – many African children only have access to minimal or no education, which necessitates support from dedicated teachers who will give these children what they need for a bright future.

Help Rwanda in other ways by volunteering in healthcare services, which could range from medical aid and health education, HIV testing and treatment, or HIV prevention efforts. Since many rural Rwandans lack access to sufficient healthcare, this form of volunteerism can be especially valuable.

Learn some of the local language as part of your volunteer experience. According to UNESCO, Africa boasts over 2,000 different spoken tongues – one of the highest concentrations on earth! While English remains the primary means of communication here, learning a few simple words from each culture you will serve can go a long way toward creating an enriching volunteer experience for yourself and those you will assist.

As you consider what type of volunteer experience best fits your skill set, keep in mind that successful programs are those designed and executed with community needs in mind. A great example is Frontier Build a School’s team-building efforts where volunteers join local construction experts in building schools for rural communities – giving students safe spaces where they can learn life lessons while creating strong foundations for future successes.