Contribute to improving lives for children and adults living in Bali through teaching or construction projects – an incredible way to make an impact while simultaneously experiencing this beautiful tropical destination!

Volunteer abroad programs in Bali are more cost-effective than you may realize, with many past volunteers highly rating and recommending these opportunities to future volunteers.

How to Find a Program

Explore Bali’s idyllic beaches, ancient spirituality and tropical climate – but be sure to make the trip truly meaningful with an impactful volunteering experience. With many programs ranging from animal care and education to community development available on this beautiful island, creating meaningful journeys can become part of its magic!

Take your pick from reputable organizations offering meaningful volunteering abroad programs in Bali, like Frontier Volunteer. They offer a variety of volunteer experiences that are sure to suit your passions and skillset – everything from childcare and teaching English, animal care, environmental sustainability work or construction work!

GoEco is another fantastic option; their highly experienced team works on various projects across Bali. Additionally, many past volunteers have given GoEco outstanding reviews and recommendations.

For those wishing to experience Bali’s mystifying culture, a TEFL course may be ideal. Here, students from around the globe will learn English while you teach it, giving you the opportunity to make lives change in truly incredible settings.

As part of an agrotourism project in Bali, you can also help foster its sustainable future by getting involved with an Agrotourism project. In this program, you will assist local farmers produce food while offering tours and educational activities to visitors.

Help Bali achieve sustainable development by contributing to protecting its ocean. Not only will this project benefit marine life but it will have a direct effect on local populations who depend on it for livelihood purposes. Government support ensures this initiative has lasting repercussions within communities.

So why not join a medical volunteer program in Bali as one last way of giving back? Plan My Gap Year offers one at Rumah Sakit Umum Tabanan hospital; depending on your skill set and comfort level you could participate in various procedures and treatments offered here.

Education and Community Work

Discover a culture unique to Bali that blends Hinduism, Buddhism and indigenous animistic customs for an impressive spiritual atmosphere visible everywhere from intricate sculptures to beautiful temples.

Teaching can be an exciting endeavor in Bali. There are various opportunities to share your expertise and share knowledge with local children ranging from early childhood education programs, teaching English in public and private schools as well as animal care and conservation work.

With an emphasis on community and sustainability, many projects in Bali aim to make an impactful statement about local life while creating a better future for all. Participating in one of these programs can also provide an incredible way of exploring this island culture while becoming immersed in everyday lives of local residents.

Bali has long been known for its educational efforts, so it comes as no surprise that it boasts some impressive universities. These campuses provide a wonderful way to learn more about Indonesian culture while simultaneously earning your degree.

Teaching is a beloved profession around the world and Bali is no exception; schools and orphanages across Bali need English teachers to come teach future generations.

Volunteer to aid local agricultural efforts by managing farms or taking part in crop production. This experience offers you a great way to gain more insight into Bali’s local food chain as well as sustainable farming techniques that will preserve its beauty for future generations.

Bali provides numerous opportunities to join recycling programs that aim to reduce the amount of trash entering its oceans and rivers. There are various programs available ranging from collecting plastic bottles from beaches or collecting cigarette butts from locals in order to educate about sustainable waste management, to teaching locals the importance of doing their part in protecting the environment.

Before departing on an international volunteering experience in Bali, it’s essential that your vaccinations are up-to-date. Volunteer organizations typically recommend vaccines against Typhoid, Hepatitis A, Measles Mumps & Rubella as standard precautionary measures.

Animal Care

Bali is well known for its beautiful beaches, breathtaking sunsets and vibrant culture – but did you know it’s also home to exotic plants and animals? Volunteer at a wildlife conservation center and help preserve this incredible natural environment by taking part in animal care projects such as clearing brush out of crocodile enclosures or providing enrichment activities for endangered animals.

Take part in GoEco’s turtle conservation program! On this exciting trip to Nusa Penida island in Indonesia, you’ll help nurture baby sea turtles while teaching locals the significance of protecting this endangered species. Staying two weeks on Nusa Penida allows you to get up close and personal with Green Sea and Hawksbill turtles as they hatch, feed, rehabilitate, and eventually release back into their natural environment.

Volunteering in Bali can be immensely fulfilling. Not only will you help preserve its diverse biodiversity through important conservation and rehabilitation initiatives, but you’ll gain invaluable life experiences that will last well into your retirement years.

Bali’s stray dog population remains an ongoing problem and you can make a real impactful difference by joining this project. Our aim is to socialise these pups so they’re ready for adoption; additionally we take in injured or sick animals as well as support owners whose animals may have gone missing during pandemic outbreaks.

If dogs aren’t your thing, Villa Kitty – BAWA’s sister organization that focuses on cats – could also use your help. Villa Kitty does amazing work addressing the issue of abandoned cats and kittens by providing homes for many injured or sick ones who otherwise would have no one.

There’s no telling what you could achieve through volunteering in Bali. From signing up with International Volunteer HQ programs or using platforms like Workaway to find placements of your own accord – volunteering on this island will leave its mark and leave it better than when you arrived!

Construction & Renovation

Bali is one of the premier volunteer destinations abroad, providing an abundance of rewarding projects to choose from. Be it teaching, childcare or marine conservation work; there’s sure to be something suitable.

However, with such a variety of programs to choose from, selecting the appropriate volunteer program may seem like an insurmountable task. Luckily, there are some key considerations you can bear in mind in order to streamline your search and make finding something more manageable.

Make life simpler by turning to trusted sites, like Workaway or Worldpackers, when searching for volunteer projects in Bali that match your interests. They will make this part of the process much less daunting by organizing everything for you and clearly outlining all requirements and processes.

Alternately, volunteer programs in Bali may also be found through local NGOs or through word of mouth. When selecting any project you may be considering as volunteering opportunity in Bali it is always advisable to do some research into it first and speak with locals to gain an insight into its experience; this way you are more likely to find authentic volunteering experiences which provide true insight into life on this tropical island nation.

Keep in mind that accommodations can differ widely between projects; some will offer private rooms while others might require staying in more rural locations and staying at basic homestays or guesthouses. When considering working with any organization, be sure to discuss accommodation arrangements, as this will have an impact on daily tasks.

As you search for volunteer opportunities in Bali, the key factor to keep in mind is commitment and understanding of a different culture. Don’t miss this amazing chance to experience first-hand all that this remarkable island offers while doing good at the same time!

Why wait? Take the plunge! If you’re ready to experience all that Bali has to offer as a volunteer opportunity, click one of the links below and discover its exciting volunteer options. Whether it be teaching, diving or construction and renovation; Bali will leave an indelible mark!